1. To a man and woman everyone here at DU is cheering you on. To say we have knowing empathy with your situation would be an understatement. No one ever said raising a little Democrat would be an easy project. After all, we're known for raising hell about the plight of those least among us and your little one seems right in tune.
2. Keep talking to your cutie (love those pics!!!). Make just as much noise with the cooing and cuddling sounds. Lo and behold, just when you thought you'd snap, there comes a break in all the noise.
3. Enjoy this time, for all it's noise, when no one in the world, not even your husband, thinks more of your beautiful boobies than the little one.
4. Take a break once in awhile by walking outside alone, breathing deep for awhile and looking at Mother Nature in all her glory. You are part of all this. Re-aquaint yourself with other noise: The barking dogs, the chirping birds, the neighbor's laughter, the gleeful sound of children playing.
5. Pat your chubby tummy and remind yourself what good and grace you've brought into this world. Remind yourself were it not for the steely reserves of motherhood there would be no childhoods.
6. Remember a little cry is nothing to be ashamed of. It helps release a lot of tension. Think about it... for nine months you wondered how it would be. Doesn't matter if you've been through birthing a few times. There's always that understandable apprehension. You made it through okay. Mom and baby are just fine. Let go with a couple of good bawls and garaunteed a Klennex box or two later, you'll feel much better.
7. As to your original question, even better news: The Repubs have themselves a scandal afoot and their hypocrisy is evermore apparent.
8. Give your little one a smooch from all of us here at DU. The Great Mandela is a wide and wonderful thing.