funny I just got through posting this in another thread about Roberts telling lies about Plame. <snip>
Last July the SIC finally issued its report, which did indeed focus exclusively on alleged failures in intelligence-gathering. It was a peculiar thing to do, as Senator Rockefeller said. The main allegations the Committee had to face were that the intel, once gathered, was subject to intense politicization to produce the results that would "prove" that Saddam Hussein had dangerous WMD programs and was directly tied to al Qaeda, as the Bush administration said was the case. The Republicans insisted on taking a roundabout route to investigating the real issues, arguing that the work needed to be done in two phases: The first phase, completed last year, looked at the gathering of intelligence. It found--no surprise--that the intelligence reports that were generated were defective. A second and separate phase was needed, the GOP insisted, into what many people suppose is the main question, how the intel was treated before the reports were generated.
Republican members of SIC wanted to divide the work into two phases, rather than simply looking into the problem as a whole, so as to postpone investigating what they believe may embarrass the President--the politicization of intel, the very thing that needs to be investigated. Ultimately the Chairman, Sen. Pat Roberts, promised Democrats that after the 2004 election the Committee would investigate whether the intel was manipulated by the Bush administration.
At the time, many people decried the decision of the Democrats on SIC to go along with such transparent politicization of the hearings. If Bush manipulated intel to make a false case for war, voters deserved to know about it in a timely fashion. Many also feared that, once the pressure of elections was gone, the second phase would never occur.
And that is indeed what happened. Sen. Roberts has been hemming and hawing for half a year about when if ever the second phase will begin, as Pontificator's diary showed. He has declared that other issues are now more important than finishing the investigation. He has even had the gall to say that it "would be a colossal waste of time to replow this ground," as if the Senator's tractor has ever gone anywhere near this field. When pressed about his promise, he has retreated to vague assurances that it will be done eventually. Last Tuesday he was quoted by Chris Cooper in the Wall Street Journal as saying that he has no intention of re-opening the hearings. In other words, he is playing his fellow Senators and the nation for fools.
as we know the second phase never happened