You mean, those Democrats who failed to cry foul on an election system owned and controlled by major Bush donors and campaign chairs, using secret, proprietary software to "count" all the votes?
Surely he doesn't gratuitously trash those bastards?
Or maybe it's the numerous Democrats who voted for the Iraq war--that is, voted for the slaughter of over 100,000 innocent Iraqis---and then voted for billions and billions and billions of dollars in war profiteering?
Naw, nothing to say there. That's not it.
How about the Democrats who voted for NAFTA and the Democratic President who signed it into law, with no worker or environmental protections, and no consideration for the millions and millions of American jobs that would be shipped out of the country by the U.S.-based global corporate predators who run our world?
Come on. The Democrats DESERVE a couple of good slaps across the face. I've been a loyal Democratic voter for 40 years, and I am appalled at the utter failure of leadership, collusion and corruption at the top of my party. The stuff we've come upon in California on the bipartisan corruption in the electronic voting boondoggle would burn your eyeballs!
See know what the Bush Criminal, Fascist Cabal has done and is doing. But they couldn't be doing it without the clear War Party collusion of much of the Democratic leadership. That's the truth. Sad to say. And we really are not going to get anywhere--and we CAN'T save this country, nor the planet--if we don't face the truth.
I'm proud of the few courageous leaders we DO have. And I know there is a lot of fear and trembling--fear of being anthraxed, fear of secret dossiers, fear of this nightmare regime all mixed up with fear of terrorists. I DO feel for our leaders, even the failed ones. And I haven't lost faith, and never will, in the American people as a whole. I don't want to cruelly berate people who struggling and disempowered. I just want us to see clearly, and not be suckered time and again by people who have no intention of representing us, or who are, for whatever reason, unable to do so.