No, I don't support Roberts and I'm hoping his Federalist Society connections and that entire elitist cabal becomes the focus of his "confirmation"...and who knows what the political climate will be this fall. If the Rove noise continues to dominate (and I expect it will), along with indictment (or the forthcoming indictments), it's going to complicate this procedure.
I would imagine the standards for impeaching or removing a SCOTUS justice would be similar to the Appelate or other high federal court and has a very high bar of criminality before it can be invoked. It's a political process...not a criminal one, so a Repugnican majority can keep a judge on the bench up until they're sentenced (and some claim beyond...privilidge of the judiciary).
If you want to see the procedure, here's a good rundown: the frequency with which members of the political branches suggest that federal judges have engaged in impeachable conduct, however, use of impeachment itself is relatively rare. Since 1789, impeachment proceedings have been initiated against 12 judges. Nine other judges resigned before such proceedings were formally instituted. Eleven of the 12 impeachment cases went to trial; four resulted in acquittals and seven in actual removals. One resigned during the proceedings. The most recent cases of impeachment and removal occurred in 1989, when Judges Alcee Hastings and Walter Nixon were impeached for financial misdealings and corruption. (Hastings later went on to win election to Congress from Florida.) A list of judges who were impeached, with brief summaries of the charges and results, are described below:
Now...about impeachment, how would you react if Repugnicans start getting "buyers remorse" on a Souter and want to toss him off the bench. How would your feelings be then?
Let's beat them on their records and lies...plenty of those around now and playing it smart. There's plenty on Roberts coming to light that will require him to be accountable for his past and his politics.