there are going to be some very unexpected shoes dropping in this case, and they're going to drop in ways that surprise and disappoint the anti-Bush Moonies. An investigation into CIA attempts to influence the 2004 presidential election--through leaks of classified information to the press----would indeed be worthy of a serious special prosecutor, and I predict that is where this all leads. A prescient article from the WSJ, nearly two years ago:
The real intelligence scandal is how an open opponent of the U.S. war on terror such as Mr. Wilson was allowed to become one of that policy's investigators. That egregious CIA decision echoes what has obviously been a long-running attempt by anonymous "intelligence sources" quoted in the media to undermine the Bush policy toward Iraq. Mr. Bush's policies of prevention and pursuing state sponsors of terror overturned more than 30 years of CIA anti-terror dogma, and some of the bureaucrats are hoping to defeat him in 2004.'d also remind you Moonies of this fascinating statement by one of President Bush's former Harvard Business School classmates:
By reputation, the President was a very avid and skillful poker player when he was an MBA student. One of the secrets of a successful poker player is to encourage your opponent to bet a lot of chips on a losing hand. This is a pattern of behavior one sees repeatedly in George W. Bush’s political career. He is not one to loudly proclaim his strengths at the beginning of a campaign. Instead, he bides his time, does not respond forcefully, a least at first, to critiques from his enemies, no matter how loud and annoying they get. If anything, this apparent passivity only goads them into making their case more emphatically.