We didn't got to the same school, I went to the Cleveland Institute of Art and he went to Case Western Reserve but hung around with a lot of the art students. Let me tell you something, at the time, he was one serious piece of work and not in a good way - especially where alcohol was involved. If anything - to be brutally honest - he was a rightwing, Reaganite prick. Imagine my surprise to see that he is running for Congress as a Democrat!
As soon as I found out, I emailed everyone I'm still in contact with from then, one was even a roommate of his and knows a lot more than most.
However, upon futher review, I am willing to cut the guy some slack. In that he was 19/20 years old at the time (it wasn't like we weren't idiots either) also, since leaving school, he doesn't even come close to the worse people I've ever met over the years - not in a long shot. He was a Marine then putting himself through law school and ended up marrying the girl he was dating at the time. So, let's see what he has to say on Majority Report and then I'll decide if I want to contribute to his campaign.