This is from an e-mail my dad sent me last week:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- It kind of ties in with what I saw on 60 Minutes II tonight! I felt compelled to write my representatives, to wit: Dear
I am outraged. I have suspected my rights as an American citizen were being systematically eroded through acts such as the Patriot Act, but had no idea we were using Hitlerian tactics against the citizens of nations friendly to us.
Sixty Minutes II, tonight presented the story of a Canadian citizen, Maher Arar, who was removed from his flight in New York, then shipped to Jordan by our government for transshipment to Syria for “suspected” connections to Al Quieda. He was held there for a year and even under the methods favored by this nation, condemned by Mr. Bush for torture, was cleared.
Mr. Ashcroft signed the order. Though he is no longer a part of the administration, the administration still upholds their action as one to protect US citizens.
I do not need to be protected using the methods subscribed to by Syria and other more heinous dictatorships. That you, sitting in a place in which you are supposed to exercise oversight and protect the freedoms of the citizens you represent, have consistently supported or allowed this administration to act to violate both constitutional and international law calls into question your fitness to serve.
I’m too old to revolt, but must my children and grandchildren look forward to mounting a revolution to curb the excesses of this administration, or will you act responsibly to curb its misuse of power as our constitution requires you to do?