problem. Americans are neither stupid, nor asleep, nor lazy, nor uninformed--most of us.
Example: 58% of Americans opposed the Iraq war BEFORE the invasion. I will never forget that stat. Feb. '03. BEFORE all the lies were exposed. To me, that reveals a peaceful majority whose views were not heard.
Example: 63% of Americans oppose torture UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. May '04. This is a people that is not easily scared, and that sticks to its sense of justice and ethics and lawfulness, despite relentless fearmongering.
I could go on and on, with stats. Believe me. The majority of Americans are progressive in their views and hate the Bush Cartel, and threw them out of office on Nov. 2, 2004, by--my estimate from all election evidence--a big majority, 10% to 15%. Americans are DISENFRANCHISED. That is the problem. And they furthermore have 24/7 news monopoly propaganda to contend with, so it TAKES TIME to get word of mouth around on what's really happening. Most Americans DON'T KNOW that two Bushite voting machine companies--Diebold and ES&S--control the vote tabulation with secret, proprietary programming code.
It is problem that is fixable at the state/local level, where power over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some influence. It is a practical problem. Americans do like practical problems. I think we will solve it. We had better, because it may be the one and only chance we have to save our democracy. But it is a race with time. What will the Bush Cartel do next, to extend their power and crush dissent? (Federalize elections? Nuke Iran?) Let's hope that the Gods of Earth and Sky protect us until we can straighten this out.
Then we will have the War Crimes Tribunal.
I have avoided the pictures and testimony of torture--after the first round of pictures got circulated--as I have avoided news of the Iraq war except to glance at headlines. I went through the Vietnam war, at a time when we still had the right to vote, and such images helped motivate the antiwar movement (and were much more readily available in the news and more well known), and resulted in LBJ essentially resigning as President because it was very clear that he could not get re-elected due to huge disgust at his terrible war. But that is not the case now. We cannot oust the warmongers. They have a lock on our election system. One hundred thousand, or a million, people in the streets won't make the slightest difference to them. I would love to see it! Don't get me wrong. And I would surely lend a hand organizing it. But I don't think outrage will stop the killing and the torture.
Also, I don't need to increase my anger at the Bush Cartel and my hatred for their genocidal war. I am maxed out on anger and outrage. I'm concentrating on a SOLUTION.
Keep this in mind, in spreading information about torture and death. Think about the issue of peoples' powerlessness and helplessness--or their feeling that they are. Add something on about the mechanisms of power, and how they can GET power, and enforce the will of the MAJORITY, and achieve "consent of the governed." It doesn't have to be election reform--although that, to me, is the fundamental and essential condition for change. It can be public education work, radical media, yelling at Congresspeople (always worth doing), forming neighborhood discussion groups (to help de-isolate people), or other alternatives. Aim at empowerment!
And thank you for publishing this. We DO need to know these things, as human witnesses, and in order to grasp the full wickedness and lawlessness of this criminal gang that is running our country. Sometimes I think they are out to deliberately destroy our sense of nationhood. How could anyone be loyal to this? It makes you want to spit at the flag because THEY wave it. But, of course, what we must do is seize it back. The Bushites are no more patriotic than they are religious.