The DLC agenda thread here naturally resulted in mostly DLC bashing. Which is perfectly fine by me. I wanted to pull out one point from that list because it resonated with me:
-- Create high wage jobs by making the United States the top exporter of energy-efficient products
Now, as a science/tech junkie and environmentalist, this is one of the things I pine for. Lots of people like me (and we aren't all liberals) do too. I think it is an idea we can all get behind, and it has the positive, forward-looking feel that I think independents are looking for when they ask their brainwash-inspired question "yeah, but what's your plan?"
I think it needs a bit of expansion, of course. Perhaps:
-- Create high wage jobs by making the U.S. the top exporter of products to reduce pollution and conserve the environment.
And perhaps "protect workers" can factor into it as well, though we don't want to make the short-form "talking point" ungainly: how does this look in stump speech form? Grain of salt here, people, as there's self-congratulatory bullshit in the below... but it's the kind of bullshit that sells without itself doing much harm.
(Oh, and read this beforehand:
"Our country needs a product to sell. We intend to bring manufacturing back to our country -- but not the manufacturing of the last century, with it's smoke stacks, injured workers, and aimless profit seeking. We want clean jobs for a clean environment -- industry with a purpose. Trade with a goal. Business with a future."
"Our success has inspired the world to follow in our footsteps. But some who have followed us have made even worse mistakes than we did -- not only polluting their land but also subjecting their own people to working conditions and poverty. Now we compete with those same countries on a global market, and we don't get any points for treating our employees right."
"Here is where we must make a stand on our common morals. Here is where we must find the next hill, and lead the world's economies to climb it. And we will do so by recruiting the most honest and upstanding of entrepeneurs to create a new industry -- the industry of sustainability -- which we will then bring to the world. We will enjoy the advantages that a clean economy offers us -- less disease, markets that are invulnerable to energy prices, a higher quality of life. Just as importantly we will enjoy the rewards of being the nation that brings this to the rest of the world."
"It is a matter of survival that we do so, but also a matter of principle, reputation, and character. This is our mission for the next century."
Anyway, this is the sort of thing that those who have been brainwashed into believing Dems don't have "a solid plan" want to hear. We need much more material like it, and we need to promote it as strongly as we promote "Republicans suck." I'm not kidding. This and stuff like it is the followup punch to the falling of the house of cards that we have to have ready for 2006.
Oh, and, just in case...
This post and all contents Copyright (c) 2005, free for unattribited use by all Democrats, Greens, and Libertarians.