Edited on Tue Jul-26-05 08:13 AM by Lerkfish
they're going to have to go "nukular" one of two following ways:
1. use smaller strategic nukes on Iran 2. MIHOP an attack on our soil and blame Iran.
If its number two, the ways you'll know Bushco made some city a sacrificial lamb to their hegemony:
A. It will be a relatively smaller city than LA or NYC...probably the size of Indianapolis or Tucson. They'll want to scare us into martial law, not get bogged down in a massive FEMA operation. B. They will miraculously declare the identities of the perpetrators, not as individuals, but as a COUNTRY they can invade, which will be Iran, most likely. Or, they'll attribute it to Al Queda but then directly link with no evidence Al Queda to Iran. This will happen with 36 hours, probably within 18 hours. That's how you'll know its MIHOP or LIHOP, since a nuke attack would destroy most traceable evidence, unless you know about it ahead of time. ALSO, if Al Queda declares responisbility, it will be a heretofore unheard of sect of AQ, with the message delivered in an untraceable way. C. Martial law will be declared within one week of the attack. First, the surrounding area, then the entire state. That will be in force for an amazingly short amount of time before we start hearing about multiple "prevented" attacks, where the suspects will held without counsel so they can't refute the allegations, never to be heard from again. This will justify applying martial law nationwide, in a more limited fashion, which will then creep up in intensity. The primary function of martial law will be (surprise) clamping down on "non-loyalists" and quelling protests. Real citizens will have restricted travel. Very few provable "terrorists" will be caught, percentage wise relative to how many "anti-regime" US citizens will be arrested. D. Remember the little thing they passed a while back that said that even a small group of congress critters can decide everything in case of a "emergency" or attack? Look for this to happen right after the attack. Look for the small group to be all republican. Look for the the reason they can meet and no one else because they are already in chamber during the attack, but the rest of congress is on recess and can't travel due to air travel being clamped down.
so....I would say be concerned during a recess, that is most likely when #2 would occur.