in another world...
-- Rove Says He Is Sorry - The SpoofKarl Rove, the Senior Advisor to President Bush, has apologized for leaking the identity of Joe Wilson's wife. He claims that he was only trying to help Matthew Cooper with a recipe, and never imagined that her identity would make it into Bob Novak's column.
"Who could have imagined that Novak would leak Plame's name?" asked a bewildered Karl Rove.
The White House has been silent about the whole case, causing the Washington press core to work for a living, asking tough, non-pre-approved questions. Scott is really taking a beating.
But Rove has decided to take some pressure off the Press Secretary and tell his side of the story.
"It was all a misunderstaning," said Rove," I did not mean to leak her identity. I swear. I was just telling the nice reporter that Joe Wilson's wife made great cookies, which she does. I am sorry for his unprofessional actions.
President Bush affirmed Rove's statements, confirming that those were indeed, "good cookies."...
i'm sorry =[