From a bookmark I kept from 2002. The stuff about Iran recently rang a bell when I saw the "already underway." August 2002
Jonathan Manthorpe
Vancouver Sun
"There is growing evidence to suggest the physical war against Saddam Hussein has been under way for nearly six months.
… … The new war against Saddam Hussein probably began early this year when Bush authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch a covert operation to remove the Iraqi leader. More formal opening moves began in March when troop deployments began that have doubled the number of U.S. and British forces in the region from 50,000 to 100,000.
… …The overall picture suggests a war of the python rather than the cobra; the slow and steady squeezing of the life out of Saddam Hussein's regime rather than a quick strike.
It is a war that might well remain almost silent and invisible until it is all but over."{25980C9B-5F98-45A7-A6AE-EF4AB77AF6AF}
I can not get the original link to work, but there are references to the article on the internet.
In addition, while searching I found this great page at Bush Watch from about that same time in 2002.