I think several of the Dem candidates have done a superb job in exposing smirky the chimp for what he is. smirk's only defence against them is the usual "Who do you trust -- me, or your own eyes?" and hope that in spite of hard times on several fronts, the American Sheeple are still too deeply asleep to think it through.
But Wesley Clark has got to be their worst nightmare. Tall, handsome, a distinguished military officer, a Rhodes scholar, an investment banker -- he is a proven achiever in the areas that smirky Pretends Real Hard To Project. He has a relaxed professional manner, a great sense of humor, and the ability to communicate clearly in a very succinct and easy style.
This cartoon says it well:
http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0339/sutton.phpI support *all* the candidates, but I find myself smiling as I envision Presidential Debate 2004, Bush* and Clark. It''s going to be like the first Nixon/Kennedy debate. People are going to go nuts when they see the contrast between the Real Thing and the Plastic Action Figure.