The President's position on this bill is full of inconsistencies and evasions. His 2001 ban does not extend to research on existing stem cells, although the alleged government complicity with evil is exactly the same. Bush hasn't spoken out against privately funded stem cell research, either. And most notably, he hasn't said a word about the common practice of multiple embryo production at fertility clinics. If, as Sen. Sam Brownback said the other day, the issue here is to protest the "killing of young human beings," then it's the clinics that are at fault, not the scientists who are trying to save millions of young and old human beings from chronic diseases like diabetes and Parkinson's, and crippling conditions like strokes and spinal cord injuries.
Since the Bush ban is intellectually and morally incoherent from almost any point of view, and its illusory benefits bear significant and tangible costs to science and to human life and health, it can only be understood as a political pander to the most extreme elements of the Cultural Right. It's time for Americans, pro-choice and pro-life alike, and their elected representatives in Congress, to override the administration's nonsensical position and reinstate federal funding of this extraordinarily important research.