Partial Birth Abortion in the context of Roe v Wade
The simple truth is that the "partial-birth" ban has never been designed to reduce the number of abortions performed in America. From the very beginning, it's always been a torturously contrived effort by right-to-lifers and their Republican allies to force an abortion-related vote in Congress and in state legislatures on a proposal that would command a comfortable majority in public opinion polls and identify Democrats with something that sounds horrible.
But the right-to-life strategy on "partial-birth" abortions has another element that's important to recognize right now: an effort to convince the public that pro-choicers simply can't bring themselves to accept any restrictions at all on abortion, in any circumstances or at any stage of pregnancy before full-term live birth.
And unfortunately, many pro-choice advocacy groups have risen to the bait, acting as though a "partial-birth" ban is functionally the same as a revocation of basic abortion rights.
That's a mistake, and confuses Kabuki Theater with the real issue and the real drama on abortion: the determination of George W. Bush and the GOP leadership to obtain enough Supreme Court appointments to accomplish their real goal, which is to overturn Roe v. Wade and re-criminalize abortion generally.
That possibility should be an important campaign issue in 2004, and a really fundamental line in the sand between the two parties.
Bill Clinton's position on abortion -- that it should be made "safe, legal and rare" -- commanded strong support from Americans who might be ambivalent or even negative on every marginal litmus test issue regarding abortion rights. Democrats would be smart to emulate Clinton's "values centrism" -- which took strong positions while working towards common ground with those who differed -- during the next two years. That's how you not only wage but win the next battles in the culture wars.