Edited on Sat Sep-27-03 09:18 PM by wyldwolf
You know what the news is… in a moment, you’re going to hear… the rest of the story…
This retired military man heeded the call of public service a little later than most. Educated at one of the most prestigious and well thought of universities, he concurrently began what would become a long and distinguished military career. Even then, though, he heard the distant beckoning of Washington. It echoed through the hallowed halls of Congress – and even from the office of the presidency itself. It called to him ever so faintly, but was audible to him just the same.
Although he came from a strict conservative family, he was most definitely a social liberal, and he probably pondered which political party he could find a home in. His positions on civil rights, abortion, and other issues betrayed an affinity for the democrats. However, having lived through the social revolutions of the Viet Nam era, he was surely aware of the left’s opinion of the military – real or perceived.
He supported Nixon. He supported Ford. He supported Reagan. He supported Bush. Yet something must have gnawed at him through it all. Finally, a defining moment solidified where his passions lay. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night, yelling to his wife: "Watch out! The machine guns are firing!" He had become a friend of Bill Clinton and his nightmare was about impeachment.
It took him several years after that fateful night to come to terms with where he wished his home to be. And it wasn’t with the Republican party.
His break with the GOP swung control of Congress back to the democrats and he was hailed as a savior by them!
For over 25 years Jim Jeffords carried the flag of the Republican party despite his liberal leanings, making him the best known example of someone who walked like a Republican and often talked like a Republican, but wasn’t a republican in his heart.
And oh how we loved him for dismissing the Grand Old Party like one does a thorn in their foot. Oh how we worshiped him for returning control of congress to the democrats.
Now… now… a new personality has come forward who gives us hope for disposing of another Republican threat - that threat being George W. Bush.
Despite Wesley Clark’s profound progressive leanings, his association with Republicans in the past taint him much more so than it did Senator Jeffords - even though Clark never once ran for office as a republican much less served 25 years as an elected representative of the Republican party…
Senator Jim Jeffords and Former General Wesley Clark are kindred spirits, both living proof that one can finally see the light.
For both of these liberal and former military men – one a lifelong republican and one only believed to be so by some – may one day be credited with saving the democratic party and the country from the neoconservatives currently destroying the very values the United States of American was founded on.
…and now you know… the rest of the story…