There's a discussion going on about some Democrats who don't toe the idealogical ideals of others. I'm in a Congressional district where there's a fine line being tread right now by my newly elected Democratic Representative and her votes on several controversial Bills.
I'm referring to Melissa Bean. She's voted in favor of the bankruptcy bill and just casted "aye" for CAFTA. I'm not in favor of that and have expressed my concerns with her office...but she's also someone who is socially progressive and is a far better vote for this district than it was for Phil Crane, who voted the right wing line 100% of the time.
The debate occurs when someone looks at the surface without seeing why her votes were cast. In both cases, yes, there is a heavy constituent feeling in favor of both bills. This is an upper middle class district with lots of banking and corporate interests. These people would gladly open up checkbooks to back one of a handful of Right wing RNCC candidates that have popped up in this area over the past year.
While we're deep inside a Blue state, this district might as well be in Nebraska. This is the first Democrat elected to this area in at least 35 years, if not longer, and the chances of holding the seat next year are going to be tough as this race is high on the RNCC radar. Money is already flowing into the district.
So how do you play this? Do you walk away cause of a couple votes you don't favor and the seat goes back to the Repugnicans? Also, there are other districts Democrats have to win to regain control of the House and/or Senate where a more moderate, and some would say, Repugnican or DINO agenda is followed.
It's not easy to discuss this as inevitably someone's feelings gets raw, but it's something that has to be looked at in a far more open light than it is.
Right now the focus should be on putting the Repugnicans in the minority in 2006. This flaming about the DLC and whose candidate is going to lead us to the promised land in 2008 is wasted words at this point.