some humor...
We will deport Republicans Senators and Congressmen to Iraq with "I LOVE BUSH" tattooed on their foreheads.
- We'll make religious fundamentalism a cultural evil. Oops, already is.
- Give more money to the U.N. just to piss off Limbaugh.
- Oh... put his ass in jail for aiding this administration in it's crimes.
- Force Santorum to have sex with a man.
- Place Karl Rove in solitary confinement for life with a Willy Nelson Greatest Hits album looping.
- Build a library in Washington documenting all the crimes of the Republican Party. Gonna be a BIG library... We'll dub it the "Elephant"!
- Break up every monopoly.
- Force companies that outsource to leave the US.
- Allow the UN to rebuild Iraq and allow international military support.
- Make the Green Party a larger player in government.
- Make the Libertarian Party a larger in government player.
- Get private companies away from our voting system.
- Sue Diebold, Sequoia, etc. for damages to Democracy. Them shut them down.
- Make PBS untouchable.
- Make FOX illegal... Sue Murdoch for every cent then force him into a circus.
- Make Health care Insurance mandatory
- Fund more for science
- Fund ART... Jesus
- Make Red Necks take a bath, then teach them to read and write.
- Make Marijuana legal.
- Protect the Rights for Gay Marriage. Nobody can give a right nor take away!
- Make Lobbyists a rarity... I don't care how.
- Give both sides a certain amount of cash.. divide it evenly and give all political sides the same media time.
- lying disqualifies candidate. New rule!
- Tax Reform... REAL TAX REFORM!!!!
- Social Security untouchable and fully refunded!!!!!
- take every cent away from the Bush Family and deport their asses to Saudi Arabia where they belong!
- Fund Education
- Raise Minimum Wage
- Find a cure for AIDS
- fund alternative energy research and begin new improved energy/pollution standards.
- Give every colored person a free college education for the next 12 years.
- Pay back time to the Native Americans. Time to give them a permanent council in government. I don't care how.
- re-introduce merit into society. Educate!
- draft everybody. Two years social work or military training.
- oh... social workers get huge perks!!!
- no funding to Churchs... uh uh. Not no more and never again. Leech elsewhere!
- But teach religion in public schools. All religions.
- re-educate Creationists or lock them all up. They are dangerous.
- Stop Fundies from procreating. Neuter them.
- Force every Republican Neo-Con out of the closet.
- And drop the Bush Administration into Abu Gharaib to stand trial in front of an all Iraqi jury, then lock them all up there. Build a 3 ft. thick glass prison cell so that Iraqis can watch them all like "Big Brother". Maybe we can make a tv show out of it and use the money to fund charities.
- death sentence illegal.
- legalize euthanasia
- protect the right to chose
- Make John Conyers President - and Howard Deane V.P.