he was able to confuse the democratic mainstream enough to get a democratic congress to pass something that reagan/bush couldn't have done in their wildest dreams. nafta has been an absolute atrocity and has no redeeming qualities. the u.s. has not prospered-nor has mexico. standards have been lowered worldwide. and bill's half-assed 'protections' for labor and environment weren't sincere
that piece of legislation did more damage to the the things i care about Than anything from reagan's administration. all because bill the yuppie was too spineless to win through people power and not corporate Cash when it came to his reelection.
and he continued the tradition with wto, mfn for china, gatt, and more - portraying himself, as jim hightower said, 'as sir william of the global village and the rest of us were a bunch of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing isolationists"