powdered formula fiasco. I never knew who the idiot was that wanted to send powdered formula to be mixed with polluted water in flood stricken areas. Finally all the dots were connected, and they led to:
http://www.keepmedia.com/pubs/OpinionJournal.com/2005/04/25/827575?extID=10026On Friday, Lynne Finney, a former legal adviser to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), sent a letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. Finney wrote that Bolton "screamed that I was fired" when she refused to lobby for a weakening of restrictions on the sale of infant formula in the developing world.
Think Annan knows? And the rest of the UN? Yea, he'll have lots of credibility in the UN.
The problem the Repubs have is that they think that they can close down the UN like they did the old League. They push for Globalization if they can be the globe. It isn't going to happen that way.