I also write my elected representatives, republicans all.
But, I also have a growing email distribution list that I send article links, including many of the articles posted here and elsewhere.
My email list includes many republicans. To date, not a one of them has asked to be removed.
I would suggest that each one of us could help undermine the BFEE by simply providing a news clipping service to our many contacts.
Receiveing email from someone you know is apt to be read and considered more than just blindly reading the news at someone else's suggestion.
Like an octupus with many tentacles, each one of us can act as a disruptive agent to counter the TV media. This is much more proactive than merely venting here at DU.
Ultimately we could completely undermine the 200 million spending blitz that Karl Rove is about to undertake.
To give you an example, here is the missive I sent this evening.
Hi All,
Some may remember the 16 word controversy that occurred this summer when the White House was forced to admit it lied about Iraqi uranium in Bush's state of the union address.
This disclosure was forced when Ambassador Joseph Wilson exposed the White House claim publicly in a NY Times article where he recounted his fact finding mission to Niger at the request of the Vice President's office.
What did not receive much attention at the time was the later disclosure by columnist Robert Novak that Wilson's wife was a covert CIA agent. Presumably this was done as retaliation toward Wilson and to send a message to others, don't tread on the White House.
The problem, though, is that outing a CIA covert agent is a FELONY and the source for Novak's disclosure has been traced back to the White House, specifically, one Karl Rove.
On Friday, the CIA formally asked the Justice Department to investigate the disclosure. If pursued this could lead to felony charges landing on the White House doorstep.
Time will tell, but this could truly become Bush's "nigergate."
There are too many stories to copy here but the links below provide all that is needed to follow the story so far.
Leak of CIA Name Being Investigated
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A11208-2003Sep27.htmlCIA seeks probe of White House
http://www.msnbc.com/news/937524.aspThe Wilson War Continues
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,490646,00.htmlC.I.A. Seeks Inquiry Into Naming of an Operative
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/28/national/28WILS.html?ex=1065326400&en=9c82e52f10cc2ed2&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLEA Vengeful White House?
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/27/eveningnews/main575449.shtmlTalking Points Memo
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/(Joshua Marshall has some good thoughts and further comments on the
situation. He also has a good interview with Ambassador Wilson as well.)