someone with his or her head on straight who has the presence and the charisma to lead the battle to take back our country from the corporations, the Dominionists, and the fascists . . .
yeah, I know, I know . . . "WE'RE the leaders!" . . . that's all well and good, except that we as leaders will get zero media coverage . . . we need someone so compelling that even the corporate media will be forced to cover him/her . . . someone who can coalesce our collective leadership into REAL leadership that can actually save the country and the planet . . .
does this person exist? . . . I don't know . . . what I DO know is that it has to be someone outside politics, someone unpolluted by corporate cash and K Street lobbyists . . . if I had to choose from among potential candidates at the moment, I'd probably go with Robert Redford . . . he's charismatic, he's progressive, he's intelligent, he's informed, he's well known and well liked . . .
whoever this person is, I hope he or she steps forward soon, and in a big way . . . a way that will galvanize the public's imagination and convince them that change for the better is indeed possible . . . and that we all can and must be part of the solution rather than part of the problem . . .