with people i love. "hard work". but then ultimately, as i said, with people i love, ergo love, how hard can that be. lol lol
i had a tough time with religion yesterday. listening to the requirement to keep lie alive, to protect the bible in literal sense. that is so hard for religious. always there is hypocrisy, defending the lie
creationism is live and well, and a wonderful example of a religious to have to adopt and protect a lie with 3562 years this earth has existed.
i demand that anyone insist that is literally true also embrace, i woman, am allowed to be beat up and murdered by male in gods eye. slaves are ok.
sorry god, you know what, may not know what you are talking about (i think i do, but that is a whole nother story), but i just really really feel, me being beat up, raped, tortured or murder is not what you want for me.
breathe out. lol lol
told friend yesterday, i cannot hear another mention of church or religion. told boys in car, we can talk jesus and god all we want.
summer is good because i am isolated from community of "good christians". when school starts, it is all around me. it is starting to come around me
(this is becoming a rant, but....)
and then to have it so much a part of what our judicial and government, body of law are implementing for me to follow. i mean, they are telling me i must live by their religious rule
wrong wrong wrong
it is the obvious, like me telling a repug texas male that knows me well, i get pissed when you in giggle with your friends and say i am not a christian. evil, satan. dude...........i know you sit with your friends and say how all liberals dont have family value, arent christians. it makes me mad
he says..........really, (in confusion)
fuck ya. really. asshole
see i have to go out in it in about an hour. getting scared. wink
there is no fear but fear alone. i will just bravely walk right into it with all the faith in the world. a smile and love, all it takes. but damn.....