is "the first Democrat I've been interested in," Rich LaPlante, a registered Republican from Merrimack, said at one of the retired general's appearances. Bush's economic plan has been "a miserable failure," LaPlante added.
Similarly, 40-year-old Neil Raicei, a legal researcher in Manchester, said he might even register to vote to support Clark. "I've never had much faith in the system, so I've never voted," Raicei said after speaking with Clark at breakfast Saturday. "But he seems different. He seems honest."
Plans outlined|
Clark's trip to New Hampshire provided voters with a somewhat more revealing view of his political thinking than they got from his appearance in a debate with his rivals Thursday in New York. During a 90-minute town meeting at New England College on Friday night, for example, Clark said he would:
ä Give priority to children and elderly Americans in expanding health care coverage and emphasize preventive care throughout the system.
ä Make Africa more of a priority in his administration than President Bush with more resources to fight the AIDS epidemic.
ä Not prosecute the medical use of marijuana.ä Rely less on foreign governments for intelligence.
ä Promote improved mileage standards for automobiles and greater emphasis on renewable energy.

"I'm going to give them the TRUTH and they'll THINK it's hell."
Retyred IN FLA.