Is it just me but are the repugs getting bolder and more reckless in their nonsense right before the August break? They don't even seem to care how it appears, what it will do to the country or even what their constituents think about it. It is payback time for their corporate handlers and they are going to deliver. They are playing the part of feckless thugs with great gusto.
On C-Span2 I see the Senate has set aside discussion on appropriations for the military to ensure that a free pass from lawsuits for gun manufacturers and dealers is enacted before leaving. On C-Span1 I see the House working their little hearts out to make sure that energy companies get their promised gimmes before everyone heads home. They have amendments added to closed bills to give aid and comfort to Halliburton without notice and that is just the stuff we know about. What else is being maneuvered in the cloakrooms? These guys are being very bold and corrupt before heading on vacation. I wonder if the outrageous actions are just another indications of the disdain and contempt the repugs hold for this country or are they using covert methods to get Rove, Rice, Cheney, et al off the front pages? This is just unfricking believable.
I am just amazed at their brash, lying (have you listen to any of the repugs on the floor of the House or Senate?), corrupt moves with barely a whimper from the press or the citizens of the country. How on earth to you stop a runaway steamroller that is determined to completely flatten a democracy for their corporate owners?
I am so discouraged for my beloved country.