Your vote for CAFTA is a nail in the coffin of a party dying for lack of a distinct identity. You have helped not only to destroy jobs, workers' rights, fair pay, and environmental protections, but also to destroy hopes for the Democratic Party. You cannot win like the Republicans by pretending to be the Republicans. You can only win like the Republicans by doing what they do, remaining loyal to their identity. You have made it harder for the Democratic Party to have an identity. It is votes like this one you have just cast that keep the Democrats from gaining in popularity even as Republican popularity plummets. When neither party will speak clearly for those outside the plutocracy, many citizens simply grow cynical and turn away. Others grow angry and determined. And we are determined to drive you out of our House of Representatives. You do not represent us, and we have no further use for you. Take your overpaid corporate lobbyist job now. Do so voluntarily. Or we will humiliate you in the coming primary.