Ok, ok I don't watch that crap but the two days ago I could not sleep.. mostly I got one of them bugs going around and lets just say the lsat forty eight hours have been amusing, NOT. Anyway I trend to Night line, nothing else on TV, mostly out of curiosity, and what is Night line having? Oh yes two reports from the BBC, back to back on the Niger situation and starvation (Things those of us round these parts have known for literally months), Then Koppel interviews the Chief of Staff for the UN about this who patiently explains to him that it does take time to build logistics networks (to does)... and what does Koppel close with, oh yes, an Editorial on the situation from the Guardian. At that moment I thought to myself, WOW what an indictment to the Stenography Corp. Here we have the premiere opinion program which at one time had an amazing news gathering network basically parroting the BBC and the Guardian... WOW.