I highly recommend reading the link to the Globe article, too, as it links the Intel probe with the Rove leak. Really dynamite stuff. I copied the whole Globe article and sent it to my local paper.
Senate Intelligence Committee Probe on Pre-War Intelligence Stalls
July 27th, 2005
For eight months, The Boston Gobe is reporting, “the Senate Intelligence Committee has made little effort to pursue its long-promised probe into whether the Bush administration intentionally misconstrued intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war — an investigation that would have delved into whether White House aides tried to put pressure on CIA analysts.”
Last year, Pat Roberts, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee vowed “that soon after the presidential election was over, his panel would examine whether Bush or his top aides misled the public about prewar intelligence, or pressured CIA agents to make a stronger case for invading Iraq.”
Senator John F. Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said the fact that there has been no investigation of the misuse of intelligence means US policy may still be based on mistaken conclusions.
‘’A year and a half later, there’s still no report, no conclusions, no accountability for the mistakes, and no way to be sure they won’t be repeated,” said Kerry. ‘’This is just further evidence of a pattern by this White House and the Republicans in Congress to stop at nothing to discredit their critics and silence the tough questions before they get asked.”