WASHINGTON, July 28 -- Early Thursday morning the House passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement by a two-vote margin, 217-215. The Senate approved CAFTA-DR last month; it now goes to the President for his signature.
The agreement's said purpose is to open trade between the US, Central America and the Dominican Republic to promote higher paying and better jobs, investment in America and helping to forge relations with developing countries, supposedly cutting down on job loss and immigration issues.
"Why would America purposely give away American jobs to bridge relations with developing countries?" asks Janice McLean DeLoatch, syndicated TV host of Entrepreneurs Edge. "Americans are already suffering from manufacturing and textile jobs being lost overseas. I know this from my own personal business experience. Our families are hungry too. I would like to know if those in the US House had businesses deals that will be impacted by this agreement. Do we deserve to have American businesses go out-of-business for the sake of helping the democracies of Central America and the Dominican Republic succeed."
To schedule an interview with Janice McLean DeLoatch, call 410-515-2991, 443-299-7360 or email info@entrepeneursedge.org.
For more information about the syndicated business program, Entrepreneurs Edge visit www.entrepreneursedge.org.