All those clerks Congress needed to type legislation are now back in the private sector. Corporate donors and their lobby firms now type all the legislation coming out of the Republican Congress, and it saves a small fortune. Also, Republican members no longer have to read, study, or even comprehend what's in the legislation since the corporate lobby firms who wrote it are much more familiar with the subject matter. Republican Congress members have only to learn a couple of pages of talking points. This frees up their valuable time and reduces staff expenses. They can now take month-long vacations and spend more time with their constituents by visiting various country clubs, resorts, or yacht clubs.
The privatization of the Federal Government also keeps expenses down at the White House. Our mentally handicapped President does not require a massive, expensive legal staff to analyze legislation or prepare detailed speeches. The corporate donors and their lobbyists do all of this for free. Besides the obvious money savings, it also relieves the President of unnecessary stress and leaves him more time to relax while riding this tricycle or playing golf with mommy and daddy. See there folks, privatization works.