Edited on Sun Sep-28-03 10:26 AM by Ilsa
I saw part of "festival" last night. Wolfie was delivering the same rhetoric as Rumsferatu (nickname credit to unknown DU'er) when he was heckled several weeks ago by those women. Wolfie said something like, "Isn't it great that we have free speech here and now they hav it in Afghanistan and Iraq." Do they Wolfie? Do the dead civilians have free speech?
As far as the morality question goes, you are straight on target, about them saying the ends justify the means. They do not! It isn't moral to kill thousands of innocent people.
And I would extend the morality question further: "Christians" sucha s Shrub, et al, should abide by Christ-like fiscal responsibility, not just in charitable giving and providing for the poor and aged, but in protecting the fiscal state of our nation. This Administration is not only wrecking the environment for our children and progeny, but wrecking the budget for decades to come. Our porgeny will be paying for this folly for many years, and we will be paying for it in terms of having our Social security benefits cut, our Medicare cut, etc.
For a MBA, * has no sense of what drives long term prosperity.