I subscribe to this, and have posted some of this crapola before. Make of it what you will. My favorite part is, if you read between the lines, he equates himself with other nutcases like dobson, bauer, robertson. He is aware enough to know that we see him as a whackjob.
Insider weekly newsletter to The Moral Majority Coalition and
The Liberty Alliance
http://www.moralmajority.usFrom: Jerry Falwell
Date: July 29, 2005
Capitol Hill is awash with hysterical assertions and accusations regarding President Bush’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge John G. Roberts.
One of the phony claims being flaunted is that I personally met with President Bush regarding the nomination of Judge Roberts.
This is patently untrue.
First, I met Judge Roberts on one occasion when he worked for President Ronald Reagan, and was quite impressed with his brilliance and legal skills. Other than that, I knew virtually nothing about him until President Bush announced that he had picked him as the most worthy individual to serve at the High Court.
After Judge Roberts was introduced to the nation by President Bush, I received a brief phone call from a White House official who informed me of the nominee’s qualifications to serve our nation at the Court. I’m sure I was one of hundreds of people to receive such calls.
Nevertheless, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign — which bills itself as the nation’s largest political organization for homosexuals — has been peddling the false claim that I personally met with President Bush regarding Judge Roberts.
“Antigay activists are pleased with this pick, and that’s reason enough for concern,” Mr. Solmonese said. The headline of his diatribe read: “Anti-gay extremists are trying to gain a stranglehold on government.”
Pretty scary stuff!
The unspoken hint here is two-fold:
1. President Bush is appallingly beholden to what the left sees as the insufferable religious right;
2. Judge Roberts is a clandestine patsy of the religious right.
This is just a sampling of the frenzied (and false) charges being levied at a man who appears to have unimpeachable credentials and a sterling judicial and personal history.
Here’s what Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, had to say about Judge Roberts: “Roberts will work to dismantle the wall of separation between church and state and open the door to majority rule on religious matters.”
Mr. Lynn would rather have a justice who would arrive on his first day on the job with a sledge hammer to dismantle the depictions of the Ten Commandments, Moses and Solomon that beautifully adorn the U.S. Supreme Court Building.
The left also asserts that Judge Roberts is a wild-eyed, Bible-thumping anti-abortion fanatic.
One day after Judge Sandra Day O’Connor announced her retirement from the High Court earlier this month, the National Organization for Women website carried a headline declaring “Women’s Lives on the Line.” Under the headline, photos from decades past of women who had died from abortions appeared with a caption that actually read: “If Roe v. Wade is overturned, these pictures could include your daughter, sister, mother, best friend, granddaughter …”
I’m surprised they didn’t have a photo of President Bush holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s head with depictions of Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson and me in the background urging him to pull the trigger. (Maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas.)
The left is clearly having fits about this nomination, even though they really know very little about Judge Roberts. So, if they cannot destroy him based on his own record and conduct, they will attempt to categorize him as a man who is unabashedly beholden to people like me, Dr. James Dobson, Gary Bauer, et al.
It’s a bunch of painfully predictable hogwash.
Here’s the truth: I am simply trusting that President Bush and his team at the White House have done their homework on Judge Roberts and that he will serve our nation well once he is confirmed.
I am also praying that he will be a strict interpreter of the U.S. Constitution — not a legislator from the bench who weighs the law against fashionable social whims that are constantly changing and shifting.
I agree with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, who said: “Judge Roberts is well-qualified and experienced and he deserves a fair up or down vote. There should be a fair hearing for this fair-minded judge.”
That’s the simple truth about the man and the situation.
Meanwhile, we can expect the continuing fits and rants from the left as they feverishly work to destroy a man who they have robotically cast as a judicial ogre. It’s a pitiful display, one that I hope clear-thinking Americans clearly understand.
REMINDER: You can watch my weekly television program each Sunday on the Travel Channel at 8:00 a.m. (ET), 7:00 a.m. (CT), 6:00 a.m. (MT) and 5:00 a.m. (PT).