Really interesting stuff and note WSJ apparently let this go out free.,,SB112259089033899249-6eJAQFJYZQQKUnUcZ75nGzdfauA_20060729,00.html?mod=blogsIn addition to the clashing views on waivers, Mr. Cooper soon learned of something else that distinguished him from Ms. Miller: She was in Mr. Fitzgerald's cross hairs in an unrelated case.
In his capacity as U.S. attorney in Chicago, Mr. Fitzgerald had subpoenaed Ms. Miller in July of 2004, seeking several weeks of her phone records from the fall of 2001. He was trying to determine the identity of confidential sources she had used for an article about two Islamic charities under investigation for possible financing of terrorism.
Mr. Fitzgerald said in court papers that reporting by Ms. Miller and another Times staffer inadvertently tipped off the charities about planned federal raids, giving the targets a chance to destroy documents and records. The federal government has frozen the assets of both charities.