Could Clark have beaten Bush in a Repulbican primary challenge?
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:00 AM
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Could Clark have beaten Bush in a Repulbican primary challenge? |
He probably could have. And then he would have won the general election, just like McCain probably would have beaten Gore.
So, maybe he wants the Democrats to win (whether he gets the nomination or someone else gets the nomination).
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:02 AM
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Bush would have been renominated by the GOP even if Clark ran against him. An incumbent president is rarely denied a renomination. It is the GOP vote which is keeping Bush as high as he is in the polls with up to 90% approval rating.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
13. they learned their lesson with the primary challebger to poppy |
that will never happen again, in either party, in our lifetime.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:03 AM
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2. Impossible, the Bush machine is too far dug into repug mentality and money |
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:03 AM
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He is pro-choice Supports affirmative action Against Bush tax cuts Wants to re-examine the Patriot Act.
For him to run in the GOP primary who would have to be a Republican, obviously he is not.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:09 AM
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But what was he when he voted for Regan and Nixon. I what to know if he still supports the Trickle down economics and the union busting of the Reagan administration. Has he repudiated any of that ?
Renew Deal
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:05 AM
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4. He wouldn't beat Bush in a primary for the same reason McCain didn't. |
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:05 AM
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5. No one could beat Bush eom |
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:12 AM
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7. The GOP machine was going to push Junior no matter what |
McCain was infinitely more qualified than that fucking idiot, and the 'Puke leadership didn't give a shit. They banked on the Bush name and Poppy's ability to raise cash.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:13 AM
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8. There Is No Fucking Way |
Clark's positions are WAY too liberal, and that's even assuming the Thugs would throw over their incumbent, which would never happen anyway.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:15 AM
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McCain couldn't beat bush, and bush wasn't (nominally) the sitting president at the time.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:16 AM
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:18 AM
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11. No-An Incumbent President Has Never Lost To A Primary Challenge |
If the incumbent was that weakened he would drop out of the race like LBJ....
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:19 AM
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12. If Bush can't possibly win, he'll pull a Johnson... |
and some Republican leaders will be hoping that someone was in the primaries.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:30 AM
Response to Reply #12 |
14. I Think LBJ Was Polling In The 30's When He Dropped Out.... |
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:36 AM
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15. if Clark wins the dem nomination |
then the general election will be a republican primary, kind of, and we can see how he does.
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Sun Sep-28-03 11:40 AM
Response to Reply #15 |
16. Thanks For Waking Me Up.... |
I just learned that * is
pro choice
pro medical marijuana
pro Fairness Doctrine
pro gay rights
pro affirmative action
pro univeral health care
pro multilteral foreign policy
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