Iraq is not another Vietnam, when considered from the strategic perspective of American business and economics. Vietnam was a tactical gamble, not a strategic one, even in the war against communism.
From the Bush Administration point of view, as well as that of the "establishment" that includes high level Democrats as well as Republicans, the invasion and occupation of Iraq is a strategic maneuver. It is designed to secure access to oil, not only in Iraq, but also as a lynchpin in a strategy of control of the entire Persian Gulf. It is a lynchpin in a strategy that wants to contain, if not envelope Iran and its oil wealth. The establishment of military bases around the region, after an assumed victory in Iraq, is key to expansion of military access to neighboring Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. This is part of a larger strategy to weaken China and provide leverage against both China and Russia.
It all starts in Iraq. This is the strategic underpinning of the planning and execution for the Pax Americana in the 21st Century. This is the ONLY way that America can dominate the world for the next 100 years.
Not only the Bushites and the Neo-Cons, but also the John Kerry of the world have this strategic view. John Kerry, John McCain, John Warner, and even John Q. Public have been convinced that America's destiny is to rule the world, and it all begins in Iraq, right or wrong. Yes, few in the government worry about right or wrong anymore. What a matter is that might make right, and might is associated with power, and oil power society, and we gotta have control of that oil!
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Rest of article:
Interesting article, with a chilling end some of us have already imagined.