It is hard to believe that a year has passed. I remember one year ago walking into the forum hall at Roxbury Community College in Boston, where the Progressive Democratic Convention was being held in the shadow of the larger national convention on the other side of town. I remember walking into the hall and being immediately deafened by the noise, by the roars and the cheers as the crowd watched Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean embrace on the stage. At that moment, a new birth of energy and hope was given to the progressive movement in America. At that moment, Progressive Democrats of America came into being.
In the last year, Progressive Democrats of America has been at the forefront of every major issue facing the progressive community and the American people. We were right out in front of the Ohio election fraud allegations and lobbied hard to get Rep. Conyers, Rep. Tubbs-Jones and Senator Boxer to stand up and declare to the world that broken elections shall not be tolerated in this democracy. We lobbied long and hard to help Howard Dean become chairman of the Democratic Party, and we are proud to see how his election to that position has already brought important changes to the party as a whole.
We fought the wretched Bankruptcy Bill, and fought the ridiculous corporate giveaway that was the CAFTA bill. While these efforts did end in defeats difficult to swallow, PDA can only be proud of the coalitions that came together for these efforts, coalitions that will continue to work together on future issues. Perhaps most importantly, PDA has never wavered in our efforts to end the occupation of Iraq and to bring our troops home. We were central to the formation of the After Downing Street coalition, a broad effort that includes more than 100 organizations, all of whom are dedicated to getting the truth out about how and why the Bush administration lied us into an unnecessary and criminal invasion. The Downing Street hearings and rally of several weeks ago were just the beginning of this effort.
It has been in the building of coalitions that Progressive Democrats of America has done its most exciting and important work. The new strength and vitality of the Progressive Caucus in congress has come about in no small part because those Representatives know we and our coalition partners stand with them. This partnership has resulted in a number of significant efforts, none more important than the formation of the Out of Iraq Caucus in congress and the new partnership between PDA and United for Peace and Justice. This September, during the anti-war rallies and actions planned for the 24th-26th, PDA and UPFJ will not only be taking action in the streets, but will be walking the halls of congress to lobby Senators and Representatives about the need to get out of Iraq now.
So much has happened in the last year, and all of it has been due to your tireless efforts. On this one-year anniversary, the officers and activists of PDA extend our deepest thanks and most profound gratitude to all the people who have walked with us, struggled with us, joined into coalitions with us, and offered their financial help to us so that our mission can be carried to every corner of the nation. There is so much left to do, but we are confident that with your continued strength, efforts and support, we will all bring forth a new day of freedom, democracy and peace to this nation and to the world.
Please consider supporting this work for another year by clicking here: you so much.
William Rivers Pitt
Editorial Director
Progressive Democrats of America