Edited on Sun Sep-28-03 11:23 AM by poskonig
As a centrist, I do not have a problem with Clark's candidacy. I believe he legitimizes the antiwar position and makes all of the Democrats look credible on defense. I do not mind if people change their positions, and am glad a general is not on Bush's side at this stage in the game.
Why the hell is Clark getting hammered then, particularly for being Pube? And why won't such attacks go away?
Two reasons adequately explain this.
1. When Clark entered the campaign, he refused to say if he was as Democrat or not. Hence it looks like he "just joined the party." The idea was to get as many people, left, right, and center, to join his campaign. Secondly, holding off on his "decision" gave him millions of dollars in free airtime. Given his previous voting record and praise for Republicans, stating he was a Democrat should have been something he declared a long time ago, if such Clark = GOP charges were to be avoided.
2. People's aren't believing that Clark doesn't know where he stands on the issues, given the degrees in economics, political science, and philosophy. The Clark campaign is going Arnold-style, not laying out any issue details. All people get are broad generalities, and that merely reinforces people's insecurities about Clark merely telling Democrats what they want to hear to win their primary. I saw him on Crossfire a few weeks back, for instance, where he answered a question on abortion by saying "I'm pro-life, I mean I'm pro-choice, I support reproductive rights." Other comments, such as the lack of clarity and simplicity on where he is on Iraq have fueled this unease. Yet, I'm guessing they are keeping details off the table so everyone can see what they want in the candidate; sell the sizzle, not the steak.
So what can Team Clark do? Well, they cannot change the way they entered the campaign. However, I believe getting out issue details ASAP is a must, if they want the GOP = Clark charges to desist. For each day they wait, they are giving their opponents, whether they be Gephardt, Dean, Kerry, etc. free political ammo.