What most Americans don't realize is that the neo-cons took power in an illegal coup. This group has ZERO legitimacy.
It is EXACTLY the same as if they were operating in a Banana Republic, except that they didn't take over by force of arms, and few people know that they've been completely swindled. Otherwise, it's the same. A numerical minority of despots has taken over our country, AND THEY WILL _NOT_ GIVE IT BACK.
They took power not just for 8 years, but FOREVER. They have completely abandoned the notion that they can "lose" an election.
Anyone who thinks that the neo-cons will just go out of power in 2008 because the people have grown wise to them, and vote them out, is DELUDED.
Don't be one of those sheepish, stupid Americans who thinks that this is just a matter of a back-and-forth swing of power. The pendulum is STUCK in the far-right, and will NOT swing back until drastic measures are taken to get these vermin OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT AND INTO PRISON WHERE THEY BELONG.
These fascists know the neo-con party, which has devoured the Republican Party, will never lose another presidential election, because they will STEAL IT EVERY TIME.
Until we abolish touch-screen voting, THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT.
Remember Clinton Curtis, the computer programmer who was asked to create a vote-stealing software program in 2000? I've seen his source code, and my roomate, who is a programmer, says it's easy as hell to write. We don't know what happened to that code after he turned it over to his boss, who supposedly gave it to a member of the Florida legislature, but we know it can be done and was done.
My prediction: Jeb Bush will "change his mind" and run in 2008, and will steal the election. That way, the neo-cons and the Bush Crime Family can keep their hold on power for another 8 years.
These people take the PNAC SERIOUSLY, and have formed an alliance between advocates of a Global Corporate Empire and Jewish/Christian Zionism. The corporatists want money, the Jewish Zionists want a hegemonic Israeli state, and the Christian Zionists want the RAPTURE, which can only happen (so they say), when there's a final battle between Christianity and Islam. Think I'm joking? Do some research.
By the way, True Torah Jews do NOT like Zionists, and in fact HATE Zionists: