My thoughts on the "minutemen".
I sense that these groups attract racists, in particular, Mexican haters.
Just a thought. I truly would be interested if any of these Minutemen have hired or know people who hire undocumented workers. After all that is the real issue. Hiring. They come here for the jobs and not just the ones "we won't do". Ever been to a construction site? It's not that we "won't" do the job it's that we can't afford to be paid so little.
The loudest screamers are sometimes the worst offenders. Case in point:
The construction contractor. Typically "conservative", Bush and flag stickers all over the back window of their lifted Ford F-350. Does that draw a familiar picture at Home Depot? Now go to their job site and see who they've hired. Now I know that is stereotyping but I have happened to be acquainted with a few of these guys, over the years, and let me tell you they do not check the workers "papers" before letting them get in at the corner lot.
Ironically enough this is the same stereotypical person, who over a few beers, will tell you we need to station troops at the borders.
My sense is that these "Minutemen" fall squarely in my description.
There are more types like the wealthy and upper middle class homes who have live-in Nannies and yard workers; but you get my point.
This issue is much more than a few camo guys with sidearms and binoculars at the border. We aren't even addressing the H1-B Visa worker program that is gutting the high-tech worker's pay right here by importing low payed Indians to fill companies full of cheap software engineers. It is indentured servitude at it's worst.
While some may get a "feel good" response watching those boys play wild west scout down there, the beat goes on as I have described above.
my 2 cents