Every once in a while, I feel I have to step back, take a deep breath, shake my head a few times, shudder once or twice, and then exhale......aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And then I review.
So George Walker Bush is President of the United States. A man who was born and raised in New England, moved to Texas as an adult, adopted a southern drawl, a southern 'style' if you will of speaking, of mannerisms and of attitude.
This is a man who in his younger years was repeatedly set up in business by his daddy or his daddy's cronies. He fucked that up. Fucked it all up. Lost money, made a mess, someone else cleaned it up.
Daddy's cronies later saw an opportunity to vault their own right wing interests to the fore of Texas politics, and spun him from an unmotivated, petulant, rudderless fratboy into the Governor's mansion. They turned a 'turd' into a 'blossom', after a fashion. And it wouldn't be the last time.
Drunk with the possibilities, the Bush 41 cabal then eyed up the White House - the 'Golden Goose' - a chance to put this now middle aged man-child into the highest office in the land, to follow in the footsteps of dear old dad.
Georgie boy gaffed, and bluffed, and kicked and screamed, and whined, and smeared and smirked his way into the hearts of a grateful nation. He broke a lot of hearts along the way, stomped on some too, kicked an interloping V.C. war prisoner from Arizona in the sack a time or two, held his breath for a protracted court battle over dangling chads, and then was ultimately rewarded with selection to the Oval Office.
This man sat and fiddled while Rome burned on a warm September day.
His growling minions, who whisper in his ear instructions for his every move on the domestic and international chess board, have told him everything from 'pin it in on Saddam' to 'George, your sphincter's full....go take a shit'.
Courtesy of the good folks who own and operate at minimum three quarters of all election/voting software in the United States, this person - this...person - was handed a second term in office. First time, through supreme chicanery at the supreme court....second time through the supreme chicanery of an unverifiable, paperless, eminently vulnerable, utterly hackable, massive electronic heist.
The August 6th memo. The Pet Goat. Dead or Alive. The Mushroom Cloud. The F-911 documented off-air smirk and face-making, before the cameras, at the brink of war in Iraq, just before going live. "I'm not that concerned about him (Bin Laden)". "...if someone from my administration leaked classified information....they will no longer work in my administration...." Swift Boat Veterans For,**ahem**, Truth. The Debate With The Mysterious Bump in the Jacket. Looking Glum On The Way In To Vote, Looking Like A Cheshire Cat Only Hours Later "I want to thank 'The Architect', Karl Rove." That Chilling Second Inaugural Address, prompting former GOP/Democratic presidential advisor David Gergen to make the stunning admission, immediately after hearing the speech, and on-air, that it sounded like bringing peace and freedom to the rest of the world down the barrel of a gun. The Downing Street Minutes. Not "Memo". MINUTES. The Cooper E-Mail Revelations sound shocking and damning early on, then morph into "third rate burglary" status....but, it...didn't...stick. Drip Drip Drip....Rove, McClellan, Libby, Abrams, Novak, Miller. "Scott, your telling us nothing.....this is ridiculous!!!" Oh Shit. Fitzgerald Lays Low, Does His Job. Time, Newsweek, WaPo turn the screws, give the bloggers a break. It's Getting Hot In Here. "...if anyone in my administration COMMITTED A CRIME..." The Finger Incident, Which Was What It Was, Even If It Wasn't A Finger. Looks like Rove Didn't Hear It From The Media After All. No Shit. Oh Shit. Fuck.
All the kings horses baby, all the kings men.
....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :party: :bounce: :smoke: :woohoo: :applause: :popcorn: :rofl: but....much more than that...:nopity: