By how strident some of the people are on here. It's good to be passionate about what you believe, but it is also good to have respect for people who are 80% there with you, but can't agree on your 1 pet peeves....
Sometimes it feels like the progressive movement is being held back by small mindedness, people more worried about pet peeve issues than opening up to the big picture and finding the issues that have a chance to really resonate with a large number of people and make them vote Dem. That's what our party needs now, a few really good issues, not pet peeves. We already have too many of those.
For example, I agree with animal rights, but I think sometimes Liberal groups waste too much energy on that issue when a much bigger one, say like energy independence is right there, waiting for someone to pick it up and champion it and win with it. Animal rights is a pet peeve to me. Something that speaks to a decent sized group, but will never set a nation on fire to go out and vote. No animal rights laws are gonna get passed until Dems start taking back the Congress and then the White House. But that isn't gonna happen till the super-lefties put down their pet peeves, stop criticizing the moderate leaders in our party for not being utterly in step with their priorities and start talking about the winning issues for our party that normal, less informed people actually care about.
stuff like 1. spending reform 2. stem cell research 3. energy independence 4. defending civil rights/personal privacy 5. voting reform 6. cleaning up our mess in the Middle East