Edited on Sun Sep-28-03 12:57 PM by Romberry
DU Flame Fest, aka "Let's see you and him fight."
My post count is relatively low given the amount of time I have been a member of DU and given the way things are going, the count may not climb much higher anytime soon.
<Begin Dean Partisan comments>
For several months back in the winter and into the spring of this year there were fans of Howard Dean starting threads to share their enthusiasm for a Democrat that was ready to fight back against Bush. The Dean people weren't bashing other candidates. All they were doing at that time was basking in the glow of a real and vigorous grassroots campaign. And yet....
And yet the flame throwers and the baiters and the trolls could not resist jumping in on those positive threads with what appeared to be no intentions other than to bash and sow discord. In time, the Deaniacs got tired of it and started to fight back.
Now it seems that the a good number of supporters of other candidates spend more time starting threads that are obviously meant as bait than they do getting excited about the person they have chosen to support. Sadly, some Dean supporters now do the same thing.
The end result is that DU is not an inspirational and unifying place. It's divisive and corrosive to the spirit. I can't help but feel that a number of "progressives" who post here are not progressives at all. If they are, they are jealous progressives that take no joy in the success of the "other guys". Nope, if they can't generate the same success they'll resort to bringing you down to their level. It's about as much fun and a wisdom tooth extraction.
</End Dean Partisan Comments>
From now through the end of the primaries, I am not going to be an active participant on the DU Flame Fest forum. It simply is not worth it. If I want this kind of abuse I'll log in to Free Republic.
Clark supporters, you keep on being blinded by all that brass. Being blind means you won't have to actually face up to or answer any concerns other voters, voters you will need if you expect to win, may have. And by all means, keep changing "headlines" when you post article excerpts so that you can frame an effective DINO smear against the man who was the Democratic governor of one of the most progressive states in the union for ten years.
Kerry supporters, John Kerry was my first choice before I ever heard of Howard Dean. Frankly, I hope that Kerry's campaign finds its footing and really catches fire but I hope its done in a positive, hopeful for the future way and not with "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean." I know Kerry is a true blue Democrat. No one can question that he has paid his dues. No one can question that a strong and positive Kerry campaign is good for the party.
Lieberman supporters, if there are any, well...I would wish you good luck but I wouldn't mean it. If Joe gets the nomination I'll vote for him in 04 but I won't like it.
Gephardt supporters, I wish you all the best. Gep is a fine fella but he isn't my cup of tea. I'd vote for him if it came down to it but it would not be an enthusiastic vote.
Kucinich supporters, all I can say is that Dennis reminds me a lot of Wellstone. I really like him and I wish I thought he could carry a national election but I don't. If he should get the nomination I'd be proud to vote for him but I am sure it would be in a losing cause. Understandably you will not agree with that take. All I can say is that you may be right and I may be wrong but that's just how I feel.
Al Sharpton supporters, I don't think your man will be president but if Democrats take back the White House in 2004 I would dearly love it if we could find some way to give him the state of Texas. It would give the good old boys something to talk about and would form the basis of the next great comedic Hollywood blockbuster, Blazing Saddles Part Deux.
Carol Mosely-Braun, what can I say? Heckuva a lady. I don't think the United States is ready yet to elect a woman to the nation's highest office. I hope that changes, sooner than later.
Bob Graham supporters, stand by your man and help him out the criminals in the White House. Graham knows.
Edwards supporters, don't be discouraged. I have a feeling your guy is going to be there with a real chance at the nomination in the end. I like Edwards a great deal.
I know I left some out and my apologies for that.
Feel free to flame away at this post. After all, this is the flame fest forum in fact if not in name. Just don't let it wear you down and don't let it keep you from getting out to vote for ABB in November 04.
I'll be back when the nominee is settled. Beat Bush.
I bid you adieu.