were given by people and organizations? I saw Andrew Stern on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning and the guy was asked...point blank by Peter, "Have you ever voted for a Republican?" and Stern said he had. Then Peter asked him "WHO?" and the bastard refused to answer! I KNOW he's a BUSHBOT and I want to see if he donated to the RNC during the last election. I know his union donated $500,000 to the REPUBLICAN Governors Assoc. and Sterns calls himself an Independent. He's a repuke out to destroy Unions. Anyone know anything about the guy?
But Stern's infatuation with whatever he thinks is new and innovating can also appear reckless and uninformed. And his apparent difficulty with being a team player in the ranks of labor and the Democratic party has led him to say some strange things and make some questionable alliances.
During the Democratic convention Stern told David Broder of the Washington Post Washington Post that organized labor and the Democratic party would both probably be better served by a Kerry defeat. Last Summer SEIU gave more than $500,000 to the Republican Governor's Association. He lauds the DLC, and told me that SEIU is a member. And he's talked of his admiration for Stephen Moore and the Club for Growth, the doctrinaire free-marketers who've spent millions in Republican primaries sniping at moderate Republicans on behalf of right wing candidates, almost all of whom have either failed to unseat the incumbent Republican or who've lost to a Democrat in the general election. <snip
and read THIS.
Update <2005-3-2 19:3:59 by DHinMI>: Apparently some folks believe that the reference to Stephen Moore and the Club for Growth indicated that Andy Stern is sympathetic to their doctrinaire free-market beliefs. I don't believe that is the case, but as the NYT Magazine article shows, he does flirt with the idea of being to the Democratic party what the Club for Growth is on the Republican side:
Stern invited Moore to speak at an S.E.I.U. meeting in Chicago a few years ago -- which is roughly the equivalent of Michael Moore being asked over to the National Rifle Association for lunch. Now Stern has begun to emulate the club's model; last year, the S.E.I.U. ran its own candidate, a union ally, against the Democratic House speaker in Washington State
, because the speaker voted against a health-benefits package for home health care workers. The union's challenger lost -- but only by about 500 votes. ''I think we need to spend more time running candidates against Democrats,'' Stern says matter-of-factly...
This spring, Stern plans to convene an eclectic group of Democrats to begin outlining a new economic agenda. ''We don't want it to be the same old people,'' Stern told me. ''We want people who might say, for example, 'Maybe privatization isn't such a terrible thing for people,' even if that's not what the Democratic Party thinks. Or, for example, 'Wal-Mart isn't the worst thing for the economy after all.' '' He laughed heartily at that one. ''We need to shock people out of their comfort zone and make them think.''<snip>
Sweeney is the reason this man is where he is today! Sweeney got him the job and must be kicking himself in the ass over it.
I don't trust the man just from hearing him on WJ this morning. He likes the DLC!!!! sheesh. RNC plant?