The National Security Act (NSA) created the CIA and other covert agencies in the executive branch. It was passed in 1947 and signed by Harry Truman. Allegedly the act was a post World War Two measure to counter the expansion of the Soviet Union. That was the government’s official public announcement about the reasons for the Act and the media was in lock step in its reporting of this reason. However, Gore Vidal and many other astute writers and historians know that the official reason for the Act had nothing to do with its genesis. Let me explain.
Many historians know that the United States was unmatched in military and economic power in 1947. The Soviet Union had been virtually destroyed in the War and that country had lost approximately 25 million of its people. The Yalta Conference was supposed to settle the issue of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe. Russia had been attacked 3 times in the 20th century through what is called the Polish Corridor and wanted security from further attack. So the military victories by the Soviet Union at the end of the War created the political reality of Eastern Europe. The United States only had a problem with oppressive Soviet style dictatorships, but did not have a problem with fascist regimes all over the world before and after the War. The NSA was the linchpin upon which the government operations went underground and was the birth pang to the military industrial complex that Eisenhower spoke about. What most people are not aware is that all of this was about corporate dominance and big business.
The Cold War was a result of a myth that was created by many economists because they firmly believed at the time that the War got us out of the depression of the 1930s and peace would bring us right back into one. In many respects the War did end the Depression, but what those economists failed to understand was that a lot of wealth was created during the War and because of rationing and military priorities, there was no place to spend the wealth. The pent up consumer demand and the production of consumer products kept us from experiencing a new depression even though 10 million male Americans were transitioning from the military to the private sector. The combination of economic predictions and corporate influence required that we be constantly at war and the Soviet Union had to be the target.
58 years later, the National Security State has metastasized into a horror for the United States and the world. The inevitable fall of the Soviet Union in the 1980s was known by the CIA at the same time that Reagan was calling for massive armaments buildups to fight the “evil empire” The sad part of all this is that the United States since the War has maintained an open and covert policy of regime change and terrorism that has killed tens of millions of people throughout the world. And the reasons are not always sinister or based upon bad faith. Most of it has to do with the influence of corporations and their economists on the operations of government. The policy has also been a bipartisan one in which both Parties have “drunk the Kool-Aid.”