THE ANATOMY OF A WUSS! BUSH DESERVES IMPEACHMENT! What set many of us off this morning was the MARK of a FAILURE and the Bush end-run around anyone who gets in his way, as George Bush, Presidential Wuss, appointed Bolton to a position he does not qualify for, resulting in our country's further loss of respect by the world! Like a spoiled child, determined to get his way, he shoved Bolton down our throats, despite objections of many, and denied documents that showed the truth of Bolton’s inadequacies to hold the position of Ambassador to the U.N! George W. Bush is a weak man and a failure! You can always tell a weak man, his greatest fear is appearing weak! He must lie, cover-up, never admit mistakes, his ego is out front and center and blame is his game. He converts all his opinions into dogma declaring all his decisions to be absolute truth! The “wuss” surrounds himself only with his most loyal subjects and secrecy is their password! George W. Bush is a WUSS! Deceiving his nation into war for ego, oil and legacy, gives us a glimpse into his personality. Noted author Eric Hoffer points out, “It is to escape the responsibility of failure that the weak so eagerly throw themselves into grandiose undertakings!” The War on Terror and Bush’s nation-building shows us this! George Bush is a pretender to the crown of moral values, as is his War in Iraq! Thomas Fuller, claimed that, “The weakest and most timorous are the most revengeful and implacable!” PlameGate is an example of that, as George and his Unholies take revenge against Joseph Wilson, as they once did against Paul O’Neill, Richard Clarke, John Kerry, John McCain, and anyone who opposed them. Character Assassination is their middle name! As broken promises to hold those accountable are altered once again, it shows us this is not the action of an honest or a strong person. GEORGE W. BUSH IS A WUSS! Implacable, the supporters call it determination, but the alert know Bush’s move to appoint Bolton to the U.N. shows the Bush tendency to be a “LAW UNTO HIMSELF” never challenged. It is not a President’s right to ignore the obvious, Bolton was a FAILURE at his job, he disliked the U.N., and his temperament and previous actions showed a distinct lack of the character! Still, Bush remained implacable, in his, “my way or no way attitude!” Many, if not all, of Bush’s pre-presidential business undertakings were failures, and Poppy or Poppy’s friends and MidEastern buddies were always there lend little Georgie a helping hand! Remember, “HARKEN”! Bush and Bolton are two peas in a pod! George Bush’s ethical standards are always brought into question, his tax policy benefiting the wealthy, his Energy Policy, a giveaway to Bush-friendly corporations, his opposition to stem cell research{unless defined by his or supportive religious extremist terms} and his indifference to the health of the world by denying “Global Warming” prove a failure of commitment to his nation and the world! George Bush is the worst environmental President, he absolves his responsibility, and undermines the health of the citizens of this nation as he appoints all the foxes to guard the environmental henhouses! His vice President’s Energy Task Force showed the indifference to state’s energy problems as Enron and other Pioneers and Rangers defined the energy policy for the U.S. The altering of scientific analysis to deceive the public in Global Warming and in the EPA data about the air around the 9/11 site, both proven, go against Bush’s declaration of being a moral leader! Hidden and blocked investigations, redacted documents, questionable elections, paying the press to reflect his views, the Downing Street Memo, more secrecy, and more scandals then has ever happened before in one Administration surrounds Bush and his Administration with the STENCH OF DECEIT AND DISHONESTY! Bush’s power grabbing policies show that he and his Republican cohorts will stop at nothing to gain political advantage! They do not have ANY ETHICAL STANDARDS, and never before has anyone deserved to be IMPEACHED more than this “WUSS!”