A few "Day After Tomorrow" type films that play out the course of current events to their logical conclusion, but instead of global warming/climate change they should make films about the Religious Reich Theocratic Fascist takeover of America that is happening right now.
Movies in the same tradition (but better made than) "Red Dawn" - films that portray how it could really happen here.
I think too many progressives downplay the influence of the RR in our overall political situation; I think the RR wields far more power than their numbers portray.
The Swift Advance of a Planned Coup: Conquering by Stealth and Deception - How the Dominionists Are Succeeding in Their Quest for National Control and World Powerhttp://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheSwiftAdvanceOfaPlannedCoup.htmThe Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/Statehttp://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheDespoilingOfAmerica.htm