I originally posted this in the Ohio forum, but I figured that any DUer could send an e-mail, and more eyes would see it here! If there's a large amount of Hackett/GOTV e-mail in their inboxes tomorrow, I'm sure many AAR personalities (especially Jerry Springer) will be willing to spend some time on it during their shows tomorrow. There is an AAR affiliate in the Cincinnati area...this is another way to remind a liberal audience of the election! They may be planning to discuss it anyway, but it's a little action that doesn't take too much time and energy! Thanks!At this late hour, I was wondering if it was possible to contact Air America tomorrow, seeing as it is broadcast in Cincinnati (WCKY-AM 1530 AM). Maybe especially focus on Jerry Springer, seeing as he's former mayor of the city, but any show would do, in terms of getting the word out amongst liberals. Just a thought, if people wanted to call/e-mail tomorrow in a last-ditch effort to GOTV.
Cincinnati AAR affiliate:
http://www.wcky.com/main.htmlSpringer on the Radio contact information:
http://www.springerontheradio.com/contactusOther AAR programming contact info:
http://shows.airamericaradio.com/contactI don't know if this has been done already, but it's a little something I could put together from 500 miles away.