http://www.prweek.com/news/news_story_free.cfm?ID=239928&site=3ANALYSIS The White House: The tactics, and politics, of deflecting media attention
Written by Mark Hand
Mark Corallo, public affairs director for the US Justice Department from 2002 to 2005 and founder of Corallo Media Strategies,
predicts that unless Fitzgerald "has indictments up his sleeve, the story is over." The controversy will be drowned out by the Supreme Court nomination and events such as the bombings in London and Egypt ....
Miller, who never penned a story on the Plame affair, wrote extensively during the build-up to the US invasion of Iraq about Saddam Hussein allegedly having the capability for weapons of mass destruction. Corallo contends Miller was on the hot seat at the Times over her reporting on Iraq and that her battle with Fitzgerald was a perfect mechanism to restore her reputation.
The dirty little secret in (DC) was she was about to be fired," Corallo says. "She should be sending Pat Fitzgerald a dozen roses and a thank-you note right now because he just made her untouchable. She's unfirable. He basically just saved her career."
But the Times described as "patently untrue" Corallo's comments about Miller, who has been with the paper since 1977. ....
As for the media fascination with Rove, he believes most journalists covering the controversy believe the Bush adviser did not break any laws.
"People soon will realize Karl
Rove isn't going anywhere, he hasn't broken any laws, and he probably didn't do anything that even borders on inappropriate," Corallo maintains. "I don't even know if a CIA agent was outed here. Under those circumstances, the story goes away." ....