I don't know who will win today in that race, but I do know that it is a heavily Republican district, one that Democrats never bothered to contest, even when they controlled Congress.
Think about what Paul Hackett was able to do here. The RCCC was forced to come to the aid of their candidate, who should have been headed to a slam dunk victory. He raised impressive sums of money and attracted mostly favorable national news attention. He exposed the current state of weakness, corruption and exhaustion in the Ohio Republican Party.
Even if Hackett loses today (and I'm not saying that he will), he has shown Democrats how to win by fighting the Republicans in their sandbox. Make them earn every victory. No Republican should have a safe, uncontested seat. Force these Republicans to make their case to the voters every 2 years. Campaigns are about resource allocation. Imagine if the Democratic nominee in 2008 can do that: force the Republican nominee to fight, scratch, kick and bite to win North Carolina, Tennessee and Arizona, etc. Even if the Republican does win those states, by forcing the nominee to fight for those states you force him to spend money, buy ads and do campaign visits that would otherwise be allocated to states like Iowa, New Mexico and Florida, where Democrats have far better chances of victory.
Win or lose, that should be the lesson of today's election in the Ohio 2nd.