Edited on Tue Aug-02-05 03:12 PM by DemocracyInaction
Do you see what's happening? We might as well not show up for '08 if we don't get a grasp on it.
There are 4-5 repub probable '08 candidates whose names/faces the media makes certain is in front of us at least every 10 days or more. They are covered for a 'stance they took', or some 'great pronouncement they made', etc.
On our side, they covered Biden for about 24 hours when he announced and have buried him. BUT AHAAAA.....we do have coverage!!! For months they have done more than tell us that Hilary will be our nominee; they make sure that every time they spew her name they make snide remarks, slander her, spit on her, deride her.
In a word, they are drumming it into the people's minds 3 years in advance that "republicans are the good solid folk" and "dems are loser clowns with people like that Clinton bitch". There is no way in hell that in a few short months in '08 we can sell whatever brilliant nominee we come up with and slap down their nominee to size. He (whichever one of the bunch they chose) will be bigger than life by then.
Therefore, may I suggest we begin to destroy each of them right now. Example McCain: start harping on his recurring cancers and his advanced age of 70 when he runs OR do what Bush did to him and have the Swift Boat Liars type question his service and whether he was a sell out to the Viet Cong (that's exactly what Bush smeared around about him). With Frist, pull out the garbage of his families utter criminal rip off of Medicare to a few hundred million with only having to pay back pennies (they all should be in jail). Anyway, you get my drift?? Yep, it's filthy politics BUT they are already doing that to Hilary which in turn is an attempt to shove the whole Dem Party's face into a bucket of swill.
If we are going to defeat them in '08, every one of their "wanna-be's" has to be discredited on a day in and day out basis and on shakey ground so that the big shots don't know who to give their money to. We need to force them to go to their second and third strings to get a candidate. If we don't attack these individuals for 3 years, any one of them is going to walk all over our candidate's face.